For this reason, it is very necessary to establish as soon as possible a system of data and information on medical disputes, in order to conform to the newly issued Ordinances for the Handing of medical malpractices. 因此,有必要尽快建立一个医疗纠纷数据信息体系,以适应新的《医疗事故处理条例》,缓解日益激化的医患矛盾,弥补现有调查数据的空白。
Vehicle information management system, responsible for to handing over to the collective commonly all department's vehicle information is managed, set up database server, store all vehicles and the driver's information. 车辆信息管理系统,负责对公交公司所有车辆信息进行管理,建立数据库服务器,存储所有车辆及司机的信息。
As an information carrier of handing down civilization through centuries of Chinese history, Chinese characters do not only spread linguistic information but also many other information like history and culture. 在华夏几千年的文明史中,汉字作为文明传承的信息载体,不仅传播了语言信息,而且传播了汉民族历史文化等诸多信息。
This paper introduces the application and developing tendency of modern information technology data base technology, graphic handing technology, network technology and computer aided evaluation in highway maintenance and management. 本文从数据库技术、图形处理技术、网络技术、计算机辅助评价4个方面对以计算机技术为代表的现代信息技术在公路养护管理工作中的应用现状及发展趋势进行了简要的介绍。
The task of the 3D reconstruction is taking out some 3D information from picture, handing those information through classification and synthesize, and constructing the body of that picture in the 3D scene. 三维重构的任务是从二维图像中抽取三维信息,通过对这些信息进行分类、综合等一系列处理,在三维空间中重新构造图像的相应形体。
In the sparsity-based generative model, we propose a novel histogram-based method that takes the spatial information of each patch into consideration with an occlusion handing scheme. 在基于稀疏表示的生成模型中,本文提出一种新颖的基于直方图的描述方式,这种描述方式考虑到每个图像块的位置信息,同时考虑了遮挡对于最终结果的影响。